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Future Wip

Machu Pichu

Memory, Time, Poetry1 min read

A poem written after visiting the awe inspiring Machu Pichu about the monuments we leave to the future.

  • A glimpse into the past.
  • Through a jewel on the mountainside.
  • Whose purpose and function we can only speculate.
  • Cloaked in ethereal clouds and the passage of time.
  • Crafted with intention and a careful attention to detail.
  • By a civilization, a culture and a people we can never truly know.
  • Who were these people?
  • What drove them to build such wonders?
  • There is sadness mixed into awe.
  • The loss of the Inka,
  • Erased.
  • Ways of knowing and being in this world.
  • Leaving only scattered remnants,
  • In an ever more patched memory.
  • All this leaves me wondering,
  • What impressions will we leave on the world.
  • For future generations,
  • For future civilizations.
  • To speculate over.
  • Then I recall,
  • Our impressions will not be monuments,
  • But deep scars in the ecological record.
  • That will scream out into the future.
  • For eons.
  • How will we be remembered?
  • What stories will they tell about us?
  • Five hundred years from now.
  • One thousand.
  • What heritage will we leave for the future,
  • Other than destruction.
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